Monday, December 7, 2009

Fashion or Device?

Everywhere I look these days I see loads of Mama's (and Dad's!) embracing the benefits of babywearing! It's fantastic that the information on how great it is for baby and how convenient it is for you is getting out there!

What does baffle me though, is the shear amount of babywearing 'devices' there are out there - you know the ones, the gadgets that can only be used for approximately 6 months, the bulky devices, with all the buckles and straps and plastic and polyester/nylon fabrics, special back boning to keep them 'ergonomic and comfortable'.....etc etc. The babywearing device companies are truly getting out there and doing an oh so fabulous job of marketing.

BUT What many don't realise, is that babywearing doesn't need to be complicated, there is simply no need for padding, straps, buckles, boning etc!

How many people I see walking the streets of Sydney/Auckland, dressed in designer outfits, carrying designer handbags, wearing designer sunglasses BUT then carrying their gorgeous bundles in mechanical babywearing devices - completely defeating the purpose of the entire outfit, correct? Or is it just me?

We take a completely different approach to Babywearing - Simple, fashionable and FOR YOU! Afterall, your sling is a garment YOU wear! Don't cover up that dress you spent 3 hours hunting for and 3 months slimming down for with buckles and straps and synthetic fabrics.

We enjoy babywearing, it's easy, great for baby and FUN especially when you can take pleasure in choosing one to match your own sense of style! Let's face it, we ALL like to dress up and when Mama duty calls we tend to put ourselves last and NEED to find ways to spice it up a bit!

There are plenty of Soft Structured Carriers, Slings and Wraps out there that are embracing our desire (need!) to co-ordinate and be fashionable (as well as being extremely functionable) and many can be found at

So, if 'device' is the word that pops to mind when you think babywearing, then go check out Slingbabies AND our website :) to be reformed!


  1. Totally agree - 1st rule of slinging... it should be fun not hard!

  2. yes! nothing worse than choosing an outfit then wrecking it with a lump of sythnetic and buckles! lol

  3. My 1st rule of slinging: if it can't fit in a pocket it's not a baby carrier lol

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